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gloria shen
Winter qtr reflection
how do you know when enough is enough? i asked this question almost every day this quarter as i struggled with anxiety about not doing enough and burnout from too much at the same time. while i had suffered from mild insomnia during midterms and finals during autumn quarter, this quarter my anxiety was so present that i couldn't sleep w/out melatonin gummies (yum!) and the endless cycle of midterms during the second half of the quarter sent me on a five week long anxious spiral. despite everything, i kept up my gra des, saw my friends, managed extracurriculars, and even got a jo b. so, i told myself, i cant be doing that bad, can i? now, on the othe r side of finals, i know that i was horribly overworking myself and on the verge of collapse. i can now see that it doesnt matter ho w hard my classes or what grade i want to ge t. if even my mom, who is the hardest working pe rson i know, tells me to take a break, then i need to take a break. i can't rely on week long breaks in between quarters to rest and recharge, i n eed to make time in my daily routine to do the same. so, here are some things i tried out this quarter that i want to use more next quarter: 1. do your makeup before you start work. 2. stop your work before you get ready for bed. 3. dinner time should not be the only bre ak in your day. 4. the weather will be nice in spring so go f or a walk! 5. if your jaw starts to hurt from clenching, you need to take a break. 6. make friends in your classes to give you an excuse to not work at 100% efficiency the whole time.
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