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gloria shen
to magnify; to increase in size or significance. this is what i examined closely winter quarter!
Traditional Chinese Dance
my RSO, Traditional Chinese Dance at UW, had its first workshop! we held it in Studio 216 at the IMA and had a great turnout. it was my first teaching opportunity and i walked in with absolutely no experience, but it turned out well and i had a great time teaching the combination. although it was a good starting point, it was definitely very scary going in with minimal preparation (we decided to just wing it), and we have a lot of changes for next time! meeting all the students who showed up was definitely the highlight of the day. it was so surreal to meet the members of our organization that we've been working for since the beginning of the year. it made me a lot more motivated to work even harder to provide good experiences for our organization. i also used this activity as an experiential learning activity, check out my application and reflection here!
i recently started a new job at malik lab at free hutch as a lab aide! i take care of the lab's stocks of flies for experiments and over the summer i'll have the chance to do research as well. this was a humongous step for me because i always worry about getting my work done on time and knowing that i'd be giving up so much of my free time for this job made me really nervous. i think through this job, ive gotten a lot better about reserving time for work and time for relaxation, and ive grown to learn that more work isn't always better work. the community at the hutch is so lowkey and amazing and their constant culture of not overworking yourself has had a big positive influence on me.
Malik lab
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